dinsdag 22 januari 2013
donderdag 2 augustus 2012
Virginity's white
Don't you have the aspiration to design your own home or room? Or to create something you feel fine with?
Well I do, I can daydream about how I would put things together or how I would place certain things.
White... it's a color that appeals me, if you may call it a color. White is refreshing and gives you a clean feeling, it can clear your mind and gives you a clear view.
It's modern in many ways and it goes with so much colors. I absolutely prefer natural colors with white, it tends to be soft. Bright colors can be hard.
Well I do, I can daydream about how I would put things together or how I would place certain things.
White... it's a color that appeals me, if you may call it a color. White is refreshing and gives you a clean feeling, it can clear your mind and gives you a clear view.
It's modern in many ways and it goes with so much colors. I absolutely prefer natural colors with white, it tends to be soft. Bright colors can be hard.
In the pictures above you may see I really love the cow skin rugs. People may find it unenviable, but it has its charms to me.
How would your ideal home look like? And would you use many colors or keep it with naturals?
vrijdag 21 oktober 2011
Miss Saigon

Wednesday I went to the musical 'Miss Saigon' with a couple of friends. I'll shortly tell what it's about and what I thought of it.
Miss Saigon is about a 17 year old girl who falls in love with an American soldier. The story takes place in the last months of the Vietnam war in 1975. Kim ( Miss Saigon ) falls in love with Chris (soldier) to which she looses her virginity.
Chris had to leave the city in a hurry, leaving Kim behind. Kim remained in Saigon without any message from him.
Three years pass by. In the United States Chris marries an American girl called Ellen, but he cannot forget Kim. Kim and the child she bore, live under the Dictator Ho Chi Minh's poor rule. All the time she still believes on the return of her Chris, who knows nothing of his son, and refuses the affection of Officer Thuy to whom she was promsied as his wife since her childhood.
As Thuy, in a rage, tried to kill Kim's small son Tam she shot him. She fleed to her brother in Bangkok.
A short time later Chris heard from a friend, that he had a child by Kim and decided to find them. Together with his wife they flew to Thailand to see his child. Overjoyed, Kim discovers of arrival of Chris and goes immediately to his hotel to meet him. There she doesn't meet Chris but his wife Ellen and discovers the truth about his new life in America.
I thought the musical was a true love story, how two people fall in love with each other, but because of the circumstances they have been forced to live separated from each other, not knowing where their love one is or how he/she is doing. Kim hoping for Chris to come back.
It was so touching I could easily cry, especially at the end.
I truly recommend this musical (to the dutch people) or the movie for those who live somewhere else. A true love story it is!
woensdag 19 oktober 2011
We are golden
Dit najaar zie je veel metalic kleuren waaronder goud. Van gouden nagellak tot een gouden broek, het kan niet gek genoeg.
De combinatie van zwart met goud vindt ik erg mooi. Het is chique maar het heeft ook wat stoers.
Balmain Fall/winter 2011
De schoudervullingen van Balmain, ik ben er verliefd op! Het geeft een vrouw kracht en de taille wordt er door geaccentueerd, just what women needs!
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